In wormhole space, there is no asset safety. Let that sink in for a little bit. Everything you stock in your hangar- all of those
Isn’t that scary?
Well, it shouldn’t be. It’s fun. Having risk in a video game is a great driving force, and if you play smart then you will hardly ever lose anything of value in a wormhole eviction.
In this article, we’re going to talk about wormhole asset safety. Not the fact that it doesn’t exist, but how you can combat losing all of your hard earned items, and some best practices.
Stay Slim
Rule #1 of wormhole asset safety: Stay Slim!
Staying slim is the most important part of wormhole
If your hangar is full of ships that you hardly use, PI that should’ve been exported weeks ago, and sleeper loot from your weeks of C3 sites, you’re doing it wrong.
If you don’t use it, keep it in k-space! Sell all of that ore and sleeper loot to your corporation buyback, and keep your ships trimmed to what you need, otherwise you’re risking assets for no reason.
In Krypted Gaming, check the welcome mail for the ideal hangar layout.
Eviction Plan
Rule #2 of wormhole asset safety: Have a plan!
Have a plan for your personal assets during an eviction, because everybody else is focused on the fights and content.
Utilizing alternate characters is the best possible thing you can do, because you’ll be able to log assets off in the wormhole and focus on PvP.
For example, your hangar may look like this:
- Strategic Cruiser for Shield Doctrine
- Strategic Cruiser for Armor Doctrine
- Covetor for mining ops
- Handful of battlecruisers for brawls
Luckily, the only thing that matters in terms of value are the two strategic cruisers, both of which can be easily packed up. If you didn’t know already, you can remove rigs from Strategic Cruisers without destroying them.
So, when Valhalla is upon us, pack up your strategic cruisers, throw them into a Bestower (use an alpha clone or something), and go log them off somewhere in the wormhole. You won’t need them while you’re using your home defense doctrines.
Alternative options include carriers, freighters, and even bowheads. The possibilities are endless, scale to match your situation!
The Pixel Rule
Rule #3 of wormhole asset safety: It’s just a game!
Everything is just space pixels in this game, and if you lose a few billion, it really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
If that’s a lot of ISK for you, talk to some veterans and ask them about their income methods; you’ll get plenty of advice. After you’ve been playing for a year or two, you should easily be able to make 250m/hr with subcapital wormhole ratting. Supplement that with passive income and you’ll have more ISK than you could ever spend!
Take that time to rebuild, because you’ll finally have a reason to krab up!