Wow, is it September already? Welcome to another monthly update! This past month has flown by in Krypted Gaming, and there have been a ton of changes on our community structure, day to day, and everything else under the Krypted umbrella.
Sorry for being a little late!
Monthly Update?
Oh hey there! Why is this section here? Because we have practically doubled our playerbase, and a lot of new members probably don’t even know we do this!
Every month, we look at the previous month, and tally up all of our statistics, and what we need to improve on. On the 1st (sorry) of every month, we typically write up a blog post, letting our members know what we’re up to.
This lets you guys know what we’re doing, where we’re going, and how you can help.
What’s changed?
This past August has probably been the craziest month we’ve ever had in Krypted Gaming, mainly because we have added a new game to our catalog, Albion Online! Most of our leadership ended up picking up the game for a weekend, and practically couldn’t put it down. Due to this, our community has grown to over 130 active Discord members, and our voice activity has skyrocketed.
As many of you know, launching anything comes with hardships. We quickly realized that our current leadership and community structure was unable to support multiple games, as becoming truly multi-game was sort of an end-game plan for us. We sat down for a couple of days, and completely rehashed our leadership structure, and created a fully function EVE Online time, without BearThatCares. This way, regardless of my presence, the EVE Online side of things will always be growing.
New leadership structure
- Community lead – Porowns “Bear”
- EVE leads – Xaeli, DMVI, Dractox, Stealth
- Social/Gaming lead – Helltrek
New officer structure
- EVE Officers – Gallente (probationary)
- Albion Officers – DiceStorm (probationary), Rookis (probationary)
We hope that this model will scale a lot better than our previous, and we’ll be able to expand to all new horizons.
Auth & Patreon
We’ve started up a Patreon for our members to help contribute to our server costs, since our services are starting to grow at a rapid rate. Now that we’re able to get some slightly more interesting infrastructure, we will start looking into hosting game servers, and doing other interesting things.
We’re also currently working on rewriting our player authentication to support multiple games.
Our current layout is,
- EVE Online authentication
- Albion Online authentication
We’re looking at creating a true solution that can scale with whatever games we want to add, feel free to check it out on GitHub.
EVE Online
Hey, if you’re an Albion dude, don’t bother reading this! Awesome, now that the Albion dudes are gone, we can speak privately, my sweets. You guys know you’re my favorite, right? This month in EVE Online was pretty crazy, as there were a lot of things flipped upside down with the new infrastructure. Please be patient with us, we’re still learning! 🙂
We’ve seen some interesting changes in demographics, as our US timezone is now in the lead! 47.1% of our players are USTZ, while 41.2% are EUTZ. We’ve seen a small decrease in daily active members, which has dropped to about 64.7%. Honestly, this is most likely to the back to back wars, which have really burned out a lot of people. I understand!
Our comfort rating is 4.5, so I guess you guys are pretty happy where we’re at. We’ve heard a lot of concerns with the whole Albion branch, but we’re standing by for the next months feedback, now that we’ve completely redone our structure.
For the first time ever, Industry has been voted the department that needs the least work. Stealth549 has done an awesome job leading some of our industry projects, and it seems like you’re all happy where we’re at in terms of industry. We’ve got some ideas down the pipeline, but feel free to pass on your ideas for the next project.
Albion Online
You guys know you’re my favorite, right? I know you’re all new to the party, and adjusting to what we’ve currently got in place is somewhat hectic. Since we’re so new in Albion Online, we’re still working on figuring out everything about the game, and meeting the large amount of players we’ve brought into our community.
Our current goal is to get the guild island fully set up, and then start stocking up the chests with the massive amounts of loot we’ve been getting from ganking players. On the horizon, we’re definitely looking towards forming a GvG team, so that we can maybe create our own home outside of Caerleon. We’ll see though!
As for crafting, you’ve probably seen some tidbits of what’s going on. We’re going to need a lot of people to start gaining the skills for crafting their weapons, since our endgoal is to have a few people able to craft each armor set, handpicked by leadership. This isn’t due to favoritism, but because we want to invest guild resources into members we know will be here in a few months.
Keep on joining voice, keep on ganking! We’re growing fast, and going great places.
Wrapping up
A bit longer writeup than usual, but we’ve had some crazy changes this past 30 days! We’ll be working on putting out a community survey pretty soon, to hopefully gain some real insight on our player demographics. Anyways, I need to get to sleep!
Thanks for reading, see you next time!