Hey! It’s been quite some time since the last update- probably about a year now. We’ve been busy bees over at Krypted Gaming, so articles like this have slipped through the cracks.
Let’s get right into all that we’ve been up to during all of this time.
The Roster
Our roster has been pretty solid since the last time we’ve talked, and we’ve brought in quite a lot of new faces! Over the next few months we’re going to aiming for a 100 character target, mostly because the wormhole meta has been shifting to larger fleets due to the Surgical Strike update.
Aside from internal roster changes, another corporation has come into the frey- Rock Flag and Eagle. They’ve been focusing on industrial operations for the past few months, helping us keep fuel and gas products chugging out.
The Focus
Our focus has been improving at evictions and brawls- and we’ve gotten some excellent content recently. From our eviction of Outfit 418 to the constant armor brawls (see videos below), there has been no shortage of juicy fights.
We’ve been following the meta closely after the Surgical Strike update, preparing to switch up our primary doctrine when people start countering our primarily Triglavian compositions. Who knows, they may never catch on!
Naturally- we forget to record some of our best fights!
Until Next Time
If you’re reading these- thanks for checking in! See you in space.