Hi all, and welcome back to another Krypted Update! We’ve decided to change the name of these, removing the ‘monthly’ part. Now that things have been kicking up in our community, sometimes things are a little to busy to do them monthly.
If you’re not familiar with this series,
Krypted updates are blog posts about the past month or two, and what our community is planning for the future. They are largely statistics based, providing information from our multiple surveys, or our in-game statistics.
Let’s jump in!
There’s been lots of things shaking up in our community, like new games and all sorts of activity popping up everywhere. Our timezones are finally starting to balance out once again, but we’re still leaning slightly towards the USTZ. We usually have around 10-15 people in voice during peak time, and there’s tons of chatter throughout Discord.
Authentication v2.0
We’re hard at work on a new authentication system, which should be ready by May 2018. If you’re a member of our community, you’ll know that a common joke is the current status of KryptedAuth, which is somewhat unstable at the moment.
The new authentication will have a ton of new features, and I’m very excited to wrap up development on it.
You can track it’s progress here.
Note: When we get ready to release this bad boy, all accounts will be wiped. We’ll also be migrating our blog and a multitude of other tools to a new dedicated server, so be prepared for that.
The past couple of months have been awesome for other games in Krypted, mostly due to the growth in our community. Often there will be people scattered about on voice, doing all types of different things.
Factorio and They Are Billions have been hot games this month, but we’ve also seen plenty of people taking the time to rip a game of Overwatch or PUBG.
We also held another ‘gaming weekend’ last month, and we chose Rust again for it. As always, it was a ton of fun, and we had multiple guys staying up to ridiculous hours (lookin’ at you Dederra) playing.
Yearly Infographic

EVE Online
Our EVE Online branch is chugging along, and we’re getting into some really exciting things. We’ve seen an industrial explosion in the past couple of months in Krypted, and a lot of new activities and projects popping up. We’ll chat about that in a moment, for now, let’s look at some juicy statistics.
Comfort Rating
Corporation | Alliance | Coalition |
4.41 | 4 | 3.88 |
Above, we had our members rate their level of comfort on the different levels of the community. We’re glad to see that a large majority of players are happy in our corporation, and that they’re settling in at an alliance & coalition level. In the past, we’ve generally seen poor alliance ratings, and we’re glad that it’s rising.
Leadership & Organization
For the first time ever, most of our members (>80%) are very content with our departments, such as Industry and PvP. In the past, we’ve seen a large number of players who are unhappy with where our corporation is at industrially, but due to the recent explosion in industry, that is no longer the case!
Our leadership rating for the past month is 4.88, which is crazy high.
Identity is the most important thing for a corporation, since it’s the only way to stand out from the hundreds in the crowd. We pride ourselves on having a strong identity, and we’ve asked our members to choose what they think best describes our community.
Combat-focused | Industrious | Tight Knit | New Player Friendly | Active |
73.5% | 50% | 82.4% | 23.5% | 94.1% |
Activity is one of the most common problems with communities in EVE Online, and we are glad that our members are happy with our current player base! A major issue we’ve realized is that we’re not new player friendly… at all. This is largely due to the skill point gap between a new player, and our veterans. We have been working to solve this issue with Krypted Lite, which is now where new players go.
Industrial Explosion
We mentioned that Krypted had an industrial explosion over the past couple of months. We’re excited to say that our industry is no longer at the level of a stone-age settlement!
Now that we have our own system, we’ve been able to build a large number of structures to support industry. Along with Rorqual mining, we’ve been able to start seeding our market and building an armada of capitals. With our corporation growing, we’re really looking forward towards a capital explosion, and possibly supercarriers.
We’ve been rolling out new ‘initiatives’ to help make life a bit more fun for industrialists. Currently, we have a planetary interaction ‘initiative’ which ensures that members know how to do PI, and support the corporation with it. In the future, things like market seeding and capital production will definitely be popping up!
Krypted has progressed a great deal in the past couple of months in terms of PvP prowess.
In the past two months, we have
- Killed over 1.2 trillion ISK
- Started using capitals to crush gangs
- Successfully defended our space through gatecamps and response fleets
If you told me a few months ago that Krypted would be dropping capitals on our own, I’d think you were dreaming. Now, it’s one of the major steps forward for us.
We’ll be exploring a lot of new ways to kill spaceships, so be ready for some fun!
The past two months have seen the most growth that Krypted Gaming has ever seen, and we’re shattering all of our community records. We’re really pushing to new heights, and have been growing at a beautiful rate.
In the future, we’ll be keeping our course, and moving steadily along. We’ve finally gotten to the point of stability, and things sort of just run themselves. With that stable backbone, we’ll now be able to take whatever risks we’d like, and have a lot more fun.